Support Your Library
Spread the Joy of a good read! When you donate your recently purchased, best selling item(s) (not already owned by the Library), accompanied by the original receipt, Brock Library will gladly issue a tax receipt for 50% of the purchase price.
Please see our staff about adopting an item for our library. As a donor you will receive a tax receipt for the full amount and have the opportunity to enjoy the item first.
Monetary Gifts
Monetary gifts help to increase programming, benefit our collection and continue to meet the needs of our community. Cash or cheque donations are graciously accepted. Tax receipts are issued for donations over ten dollars. Please make cheques payable to Brock Township Public Library.
To donate online, please click here or hit the 'Donate Now' icon on the footer of our website. It will take you to the Canada Helps website.
Partnering with our library allows you to make a substantial contribution to your entire community.